The Information and Communication Services (ICS) looks after the total technological infrastructure of EWU. The university's computer labs are equipped with an ever-growing selection of computer hardware, software and other technology related resources to help students, faculty and staff members perform a vast array of tasks. ICS provides the kind of intensive technical support needed to run all active computers and multimedia projectors. ICS also conducts an efficient E-mail system for all members of the EWU family.
EWU has internet speed of 512 Mbps bandwidth covering both the LAN and Wi-Fi facilities of the university. ICS has deployed more than 66 high end Wireless Access Points (WAPs) in indoor wireless network requiring access and password authentication. Almost all parts of the campus have their hot spots and a wireless network, available both indoors and outdoors.
University Data Centre Facilities
The University Data Centre is a vital part of the campus information and communication system. The facilities provided by it ensures a secure, enterprise-grade reliable ICT infrastructure for the delivery of mission-critical university information systems. East West University Data Centre supports and runs the university's core IT services and at the same time ensures that it is secure, powerful, sustainable and scalable.
The Data Centre is highly adaptable to the changing needs of the university's administrative, academic and research environments. Data Centre features and benefits include
a) Data Networking, b) Service Monitoring, c) Environment Management d) Load Balancing e) Network Stability f) IP Telephony g) Server Virtualization.
Internet Services
ICS provides and manages internet services of 512 Mbps bandwidth.
Service details:
Bandwidth: 512 Mbps Full Duplex Dedicated (SEA-ME-WE4)
Media: Fiber Optics
* Managing bandwidth for students, administration and faculty members
* Ensures virus and intrusion free browsing with endpoint security
Web Services
ICS maintains university web servers. Service details are as follows:
* Updating and maintaining websites
* EWU Official Website: www.ewubd.edu
* Online Grade Report Checking: result.ewubd.edu, portal.ewubd.edu
* Online Admission Website: admission.ewubd.edu
* Online Tender Processing System: etender.ewubd.edu
* File Tracking System: filetracker.ewubd.edu
* UMIS Webnet Service: webnet.ewubd.edu
* EWU Student Portal: portal.ewubd.edu
* EWU maintains two separate domains: www.ewubd.edu, ewubd.edu.bd
E-Mail Services
ICS maintains an email system of almost 10,000 users. Two separate E-mail servers are used, one for Admin Staff and Faculty Members and the other for Students.
* Email domain for Admin Staff and Faculty Members is __@ewubd.edu
* Email domain for Students is __@ewu.edu.bd (student email integration to google mail hosting server new E-mail domain for student is __@std.ewubd.edu)
* ICS provides a reliable worldwide E-mail service. Google E-mail Service (Cloud based)
Domain Controller Services
* Provides secure login and personalized settings with user ID and Password.
* Provides space in the server accessible from anywhere in the university
Network and Hardware Support
ICS designs and maintains the campus network and provides hardware support to EWU. There are more than 1225 computers in the EWU LAN. ICS works in the following areas:
* Maintaining the campus network
* Troubleshooting computes, printers and scanners
* Providing Data Backup
* Virus Cleaning
* Ensuring UPS related support
Computer Labs Support
ICS of EWU has 05 (five) general computer labs and 260 high configuration computers and printers. Of the 05 labs 04 are dedicated to classes of different departments while 01 is fully dedicated to student practice. Each lab has one designated ICS officials attached to it to oversee overall operations on a daily basis. The programming languages, IDEs and package support provided included C/C++/Java, Python, Fortran, Oracle, MabLab, PSpice, Visual Studio, MySQL, PHP, SPSS, AutoCAD and various others software. Others service:
* Physical cleaning of computer
* Ensuring regular workability of computers
* Hardware troubleshooting and maintenance Printing support
* Software installation, maintenance and protection from intrusion and virus.
Multimedia Support
* Regular support for all multimedia classrooms
* Multimedia support for meetings/seminars/workshop
* Multimedia projector maintenance and servicing.