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Undergraduate Programs

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Why East West University

Our revised entrance exam system is aimed at building a campus with diverse talent.

East West University (EWU) is growing steadily upholding the spirits of its oath “Excellence in Education” in order to contribute to the development of the business and technological sectors of Bangladesh. Our programs are updated continuously by an independent academic council consisting of scholars from renowned academic institutions of the country and are based on curricula North American Universities. Our graduates are much sought after and employed by the corporate sectors of the country.

EWU has already been recognized as one of the top five Universities of Bangladesh in terms of providing quality education and preparation of graduates equipped to meet the challenges of globalization of business in the 21st Century. Our aim is not only to be the best university in the country but also to be the best in the South Asian region by providing quality education. In 2007, East West University was ranked by Webometrics of Spain as the number one private university and number three among the combined list of public and private universities of Bangladesh. The ranking was based on empirical research, international visibility, the volume of the scholarly documents created and published, the size and impact of the web presence, etc.

Distinctive features of the university are as follows:

Highest no. of full-time faculty members (287) among all private universities including 20 Professors, 20 Associate Professors, 67 Assistant Professors, 94 Senior Lecturers and 86 Lecturers. Among the 287 faculty members, 73 have Ph.D. degrees from renowned universities

  • Among the 132 adjunct faculty members, 78 have Ph.D. degree
  • Adjunct faculty members from corporate world to teach real-life situations
  • For better understanding of courses, faculty members keep consulting time for all students
  • Enthusiastic and innovative faculty members who provide students with the feedback needed to develop sound business Fuchs and technological judgment
  • Our curricula emphasizes the competencies companies want – communication, ethics, interpersonal behavior , leadership, problem-solving, and teamwork skills
  • EWU ensures quality education at affordable cost
  • Students are admitted through rigorous admission process (written and viva test)
  • Clean, spacious and fully air-conditioned campus
  • Rich library with more than 29,000+ books, 1,00,000 E-books and 45,000+ online journals
  • Modern facilities with overhead and multimedia projectors in classrooms
  • Seven state-of-the-art computer laboratories with fiber optics backbone
  • Language Laboratory to facilitate the learning of English
  • High speed internet connection enabling unlimited internet access to faculty, staff and students
  • Common study seminar game and prayer rooms
  • Center for Research and Training
  • Software Development Center
  • Career Counseling Center helps in jobs and internship placement of students
  • Frequent industrial attachment and internship programs with renowned local and global organizations
  • Formal collaboration agreements with some leading universities of the USA, UK, Australia and Japan
  • Generous merit scholarships and need-based financial assistance
  • Tuition waiver for siblings
  • Students have course choice flexibility
  • EWU provides students with cutting-edge skills and practical experiences
  • Organize Regular seminars and workshops on contemporary issues
  • Frequent guest lecturers faculty to business students from foreign universities
  • 20 students’ clubs for extracurricular activities
  • Regular arrangement for national and international programming contests
  • Free medical advice

East West University (EWU) provides

1. Excellent Academic programs monitored by high-powered, independent academic council.

2. Up-to-date curricula matching national and international human resource challenges of the millennium.

3. Generous Scholarships for the:

(a) Top scorers in the Undergraduate Admission Test with a minimum of 75% of the total marks: five (5) students from the Faculty of Business and Economics, five (5) students from the Faculty of Sciences & Engineering and two (2) student from the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences.

The continuation of this scholarship is contingent upon maintaining a minimum CGPA of 3.50 as a regular student (All Undergraduate students must register at least 9 credits in a semester; this credit requirement is 12 credits in a semester for the students of B.Pharm. Program);

(b) Candidates securing A+ in all subjects (including the 4th subject) in the most recent SSC (2022) & HSC (2024) examinations will be awarded 100% Tuition Free Merit Scholarship at entry level in Undergraduate Programs for 4 (four) years subject to qualifying in the admission test, maintenance of minimum GPA 3.50 in each semester as a regular student (All Undergraduate students must register at least 9 credits in a semester; this credit requirement is 12 credits in a semester for the students of B.Pharm. Program) and abiding by the rules and regulations and University’s Code of Conduct for students at all time; 

(c) Candidates securing 7 (seven) A’s in ‘O’ Level examination (at one sitting) and 3 (three) A’s in ‘A’ Level Examination (in one year) will be awarded 100% Tuition Free Merit Scholarship at entry level in Undergraduate Programs for 4 (four) years subject to qualifying in the admission test, maintenance of minimum GPA 3.50 in each semester as a regular student (All Undergraduate students must register at least 12 credits in a semester) and abiding by the rules and regulations and University’s Code of Conduct for students at all time; 

(d) Candidates scoring GPA 5.00 (including 4th subject) in the immediate past SSC (2022) & HSC (2024) examinations will be awarded 50% merit scholarship at entry level in Undergraduate Programs for first 1 (one) year subject to qualifying in the EWU Admission Test, maintenance of minimum GPA of 3.50 in each semester as a regular student (All Undergraduate students must register at least 12 credits in a semester) and abiding by the rules and regulations and University’s Code of Conduct for students at all time;

4. Moreover, based on the academic performance after each year, a large number of students are awarded merit scholarship/tuition waiver/financial aids.

5. Top quality faculty members (mostly full-time).

6. State-Of-the-Art support facilities VSAT, Telecommunication Lab, Network Lab Computer Lab, Digital System Lab, Electronics Lab, Pharmacy Lab, Physics Lab, Language Lab, Research Facilities, Library, E-mail facilities, etc.

7. Free Medical Services (full-time facility).

8. Effective Placement Services.

Minimum Application Requirements in undergraduate programs at EWU:

BBA, BSS in Economics, BA in English, LL.B (Hon’s), BSS in Sociology, BSS in Information Studies and BSS in Population & Public Health Sciences
1.  Minimum GPA of 3.00 in both SSC and HSC Examinations (Minimum GPA 2.40 in Diploma In Engineering under Bangladesh Technical Education Board). or

2.  Candidates must have passed University of London and Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level in at least five subjects and ‘A’ Level in at least two subjects. Only the best five subjects in ‘O’ Level and best two subjects in ‘A’ Level will be considered. Out of these seven subjects, a candidate must have at least 4B’s or GPA of 4.00 in the four subjects and 3 C’s or GPA of 3.5 in the remaining three subjects. (in the scale of A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2 and E=1. or

3.  American High School Diploma (GED Diploma is not acceptable)

Program’s Name
Minimum SSC, HSC GPA requirements and equivalent Level requirements 
SSC Subject requirements
HSC Subject requirements
O Level
Subject requirements
A Level
Subject requirements

B. Sc. in CSE
1.  Minimum GPA of 3.00 in both SSC and HSC Examinations (Minimum GPA 2.40 in Diploma In Engineering under Bangladesh Technical Education Board). or

2.  Candidates must have passed University of London and Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level in at least five subjects and ‘A’ Level in at least two subjects. Only the best five subjects in ‘O’ Level and best two subjects in ‘A’ Level will be considered. Out of these seven subjects, a candidate must have at least 4B’s or GPA of 4.00 in the four subjects and 3 C’s or GPA of 3.5 in the remaining three subjects. (in the scale of A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2 and E=1. or

3.  American High School Diploma (GED Diploma is not acceptable)

Requires Mathematics & Physics in HSC with pass grades

Requires Mathematics & Physics in A level with pass grades

B. Sc. in ICE

Requires Mathematics & Physics in HSC with pass grades

Requires Mathematics & Physics in A level with pass grades

B. Sc. in EEE

Requires Mathematics & Physics in HSC with pass grades

Requires Mathematics & Physics in A level with pass grades

B. Sc. in CE

Requires Mathematics, Chemistry & Physics in HSC

Requires Mathematics, Chemistry & Physics in A level

B. Sc. in GEB
Biology in SSC with pass grades
Requires Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Mathematics in HSC with pass grades
Biology in O level with pass grades
Requires Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Mathematics in A level with pass grades

B.Sc. in Mathematics

Requires Mathematics in HSC with pass grades

Requires Mathematics in A level with pass grades

B. Sc. in Data Science & Analytics

Requires Mathematics in HSC with pass grades

Requires Mathematics in A level with pass grades

Bachelor of Pharmacy

Candidate must have SSC/ or equivalent & HSC/ or equivalent examinations in both Science groups with a minimum aggregate GPA of 8.00 (on a total scale of 10) and not less than a GPA of 3.50 (on a scale of 5) on any examination.

Student eligible to get admission in the Department of Pharmacy in 2025 must have passed their HSC or recognized equivalent examination in 2023 or 2024.
Candidate must have 4 (on scale of 5) both Chemistry, Biology & 3.50 (on scale of 5) Physics, Mathematics in both SSC/ or equivalent
1. Candidate must have a GPA of 4.0 (on a scale of 5) in Chemistry & Biology separately and a minimum GPA of 3.50 in Physics & Mathematics (on a scale of 5) in HSC/recognized equivalent

2. However, candidates who failed in Mathematics or did not take Mathematics at the HSC or recognized equivalent examinations may be admitted, but they need to take an extra course (3 credits) on Mathematics relevant to B. Pharm. Curriculum.
Candidate must have a ‘B’ grade in Chemistry & Biology separately and a” C" grade in Mathematics & Physics
1. (except A level) examination. Candidate must have a ‘B’ grade in Chemistry & Biology separately and a” C" grade in Mathematics & Physics

2. However, candidates who failed in Mathematics or did not take Mathematics at the “A” level or recognized equivalent examinations may be admitted, but they need to take an extra course (3 credits) on Mathematics relevant to B. Pharm. Curriculum.

Newly admitted students must complete their online pre-registration process in PCB within the first three months of their first semester through the Department of Pharmacy of EWU.

Foreign students must have passed 12 academic years. Students must collect the equivalent certificate from the Pharmacy Council of Bangladesh (PCB) by providing a specified fee. Admission should be based on a competitive written test. In addition to the written test, an oral test may be taken for further assessment.

* ”Recognized equivalent” means Intermediate and Secondary Education Board, Bangladesh; Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board; Diploma in Pharmacy Course conducted by Pharmacy Council of Bangladesh.

Admission Eligibility (Except B.Pharm)

  • Minimum GPA of 3.00 in both SSC and HSC Examinations.  (Minimum GPA 2.40  in Diploma In Engineering under Bangladesh Technical Education Board). or
  • Candidates must have passed University of London and Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level in at least five subjects and ‘A’ Level in at least two subjects. Only the best five subjects in ‘O’ Level and best two subjects in ‘A’ Level will be considered. Out of these seven subjects, a candidate must have at least 4B’s or GPA of 4.00 in the four subjects and 3 C’s or GPA of 3.5 in the remaining three subjects. (in the scale of A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2 and E=1. or
  • American High School Diploma (GED Diploma is not acceptable), AND
  • Acceptable EWU Admission Test Score.
  • Total GPA of 5.00 in both SSC and HSC Examinations for the children of Freedom Fighter.
  • The final selection of candidates for admission in the Undergraduate Programs at EWU will be based on the Admission Test scores obtained with 75% from admission test, 10% from SSC/O-level and 15% from HSC/A-level.

Admission Eligibility for Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) program:

  1. Candidate must be a citizen of Bangladesh. Foreign students can only apply against Government allocated seats.
  2. Candidate must have SSC/ or equivalent & HSC/ or equivalent examinations in both Science groups with a minimum aggregate GPA of 8.00 (on a total scale of 10) and not less than a GPA of 3.50 (on a scale of 5) on any examination. Candidate must have 4 (on scale of 5) both Chemistry, Biology & 3.50 (on scale of 5) Physics, Mathematics in both SSC/ or equivalent and HSC/ or equivalent examinations.
  3. However, candidates who failed in Mathematics or did not take Mathematics at the HSC/ “A” level or recognized equivalent examinations may be admitted, but they need to take an extra course (3 credits) on Mathematics relevant to B. Pharm. Curriculum.
  4. Candidate must have a GPA of 4.0 (on a scale of 5) in  Chemistry & Biology separately and a minimum GPA of 3.50 in Physics & Mathematics (on a scale of 5) in HSC/recognized equivalent (except A level) examination. Candidate must have a ‘B’ grade in Chemistry & Biology separately and a” C" grade in Mathematics &  Physics both in "O" & “A” level examination.
  5. Student eligible to get admission in the Department of Pharmacy in 2025 must have passed their HSC or recognized equivalent examination in 2023 or 2024.
  6. Foreign students must have passed 12 academic years. Students must collect the equivalent certificate from the Pharmacy Council of Bangladesh (PCB) by providing a specified fee.
    Admission should be based on a competitive written test. In addition to the written test, an oral test may be taken for further assessment.
  7. Newly admitted students must complete their online pre-registration process in PCB within the first three months of their first semester through the Department of Pharmacy of EWU.

* ”Recognized equivalent” means Intermediate and Secondary Education Board, Bangladesh; Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board; Diploma in Pharmacy Course conducted by Pharmacy Council of Bangladesh.

Admission Test Waiver

The candidates securing a minimum total score of 1000 in SAT (considering Critical Reading, Math and Writing). The candidates seeking admission in the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering must have minimum CGPA 3.5 in Math and Physics separately in HSC/A level examinations in addition to above mentioned SAT scorer to get waiver from the Admission Test. Students who have completed a two-year Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university can apply for admission into the four-year undergraduate program. However, EWU will consider applications for credit transfer only in cases where previous academic performance meets EWU degree requirements.

Admission Requirements for Foreign Students

Foreign Students particularly who come from other systems like US High School Diploma, Indian/Nepalese system etc. (not from SSC/HSC or O/A Level etc. system) the admission eligibility will be as follows:

  • Must be 12 years of schooling.
  • SAT score of 1100 or
  • Pass with at least upper 50% marks/grade of their own education system.
  • Foreign students fulfilling the admission eligibility need not appear at the Admission Test.

An equivalence committee will assess and recommend for satisfactory grade for the applicants who seek admission in EWU with US High School Diploma or who come from other systems. A committee will assess and recommend for waiver of Admission Test, Scholarship etc. (if applicable) for foreign students and the students from other systems.