All About EWUCCC
In striving to produce quality education, East West University has been endeavoringto provided career advisory services to its students and graduates through the Career Counseling Center (CCC). The need for career guidance for students and graduates has been recognized by the University administration . In this competitive age, students should become aware of the many ways of career development career paths to choose from aspiration. Career advisory services play a vital role in enhancing the personal qualities of students throughout the world.
The Career Counseling Center’s mission is to help establish links between prospective employers and East West University students. And the bottom line of that relationship is to become a prime service provider to EWU students and graduates in the field of human resource and career development. CCC aims to offer services to the EWU students and graduates for best resource utilization through counseling.
The objectives of the CCC are to prepare students for internship placement, help the career search process, provide information for higher study, and foster career development action plans.