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East West University Observed Italian Design Day

May 16, 2024

East West University (EWU) and the Italian Embassy in Dhaka co-hosted a seminar on Italian Design Day on May 15, 2024, at the SM Nousher Ali Lecture Gallery in EWU. The seminar aimed to celebrate and explore Italian design excellence.

The keynote speaker for the program was renowned Italian designer and artist Assia Karaguiozova. Her address provided valuable insights into the world of Italian design, likely delving into its rich history, unique aesthetics, and innovative approaches.

Professor Dr. Mohammed Farashuddin, Chief Adviser of EWU, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. His presence demonstrated the university's commitment to fostering appreciation for design and cultural exchange.

Antonio Alessandro, the esteemed Ambassador of Italy, served as the guest of honor. His participation highlighted the strong ties between Bangladesh and Italy, particularly in the creative field. Dr. Maheen Islam, Chairperson of the Department of CSE expressed her opening remarks on the seminar. The program likely included additional presentations, discussions, and networking opportunities, allowing attendees to delve deeper into the world of Italian design.

This collaborative effort between EWU and the Italian Embassy signifies a significant step in promoting cultural understanding and appreciation for design excellence between Bangladesh and Italy. Professor Dr. Ashik Mosaddik, Pro Vice-Chancellor among other dignitaries of EWU and Italian Embassy in Dhaka were present on the occasion.