Voice of Youth : A Canvas for People & Planet
Event Details
- Start
- 15 Dec, 2024
- End
- 15 Dec, 2024
- Venue
- Address
- A/2, Jahurul Islam Avenue Jahurul Islam City, Aftabnagar Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
- Phone
- +880 2 55046678
+880 9666775577
+880 1755587224 - info@ewubd.edu
Event Description

“Creativity doesn’t wait for the perfect moment. It fashions its perfect moments out of ordinary ones.”
– Bruce Garrabrandt
This December, East West University Environmental & Social Club proudly presents “Voice of Youth: A Canvas for People & Planet”—a unique platform to showcase your creativity, express your vision for a sustainable Earth and society, and relive vibrant moments at East West University.
Unleash your exceptional talents, speak your mind, and let your voice shape the future!
Submission Themes:
1. Climate Change & Ecosystems
2. Social Injustice
3. Life at East West University
Segments for Submission:
1. Creative Artworks: Painting, Sketch, Caricature
2. Creative Writings: Poem, Essay, Article
3. Photography
1. Creative Writing: Formats - DOC, DOCX, PDF.
Word Limits: Poems: 200-500 words; Essays/Articles: 250-800 words
Language: English and Bangla
2. Photography: Formats: JPEG, PNG. [No Watermark; Submit upto 5 Photos]
3. Creative Artworks: Formats - JPEG, PNG, PDF. [Physical Submissions are Required]
Submission Link: https://shorturl.at/FLl7k
If you plan to submit your work later, you can register in advance using the following link: https://shorturl.at/6d77R
Kindly name the submission file as follows: YourName_StudentID_Segment.
Submission Deadline: 10 December 2024
Awards & Recognition:
Each category's top 3 elected submissions will receive crests and certificates.
All selected submissions for the showcase will be awarded certificates.
Booth Details: The Details will be Announced Later.
Showcase Details:
Date: 15 December 2024
Time: 10:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Location: Wifi Zone, East West University666
Event Closing Ceremony Details:
Date:15 December 2024
Time: 4:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Location: Room No. 126 (Lecture Gallery)
Don’t miss this opportunity to express your creativity and make your voice heard!
If you have any queries or need clarification, feel free to message us on our Facebook page or contact us via email at ewuesc_1999@ewubd.edu.