Language movement constitutes a glorious and unforgettable chapter in the national history of Bangladesh. On 21 February 1952, the valiant souls named...
Our Bengal is blessed with six seasons. Each year, the country is adorned with different modes and colors of these seasons, namely – Grishmo (Summer),...
East West University Sociology Club organized a program for recalling the sacrificing memories of Language Martyrs entitled “ঊনিশ নয় বিশ এর একুশ'' Th...
Suicide is a common phenomenon in every society. Due to suicide every year many lives are lost. Though every human being has inherited the courage t...
It is essential for people living in a community to have access to accurate and detailed information of various service providers of a specific area. ...
Women’s reproductive health is a lifelong serious health issue for every woman. If sound reproductive health can not be ensured, then it will lead to ...
A nation cannot ever be developed if the half people of it remains behind. To ensure our nation's progress we need to make sure that both of our men a...
26th March, our Independence Day is a red-letter day in the history of our nation. On this day in 1971, on Friday, The father of our nation, Bangaband...