নতুন প্রজন্মের সূচনা
14 Feb, 2021

Sociology Club of East West University (SCEWU) observed Martyred Intellectuals Day and Victory Day by organizing an exhibition entitled “নতুন প্রজন্মের সূচনা” on 17th December 2018 at the Wifi Zone of East West University premises to commemorate intellectuals and Martyrs Who were killed by Pakistani forces and their collaborators during the 1971 Liberation War. Dr. Mohammed Farashudddin, Chairperson, Board of Trustees inaugurated the exhibition. Professor M. M. Sahidul Hassan, Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Fouzia Mannan, Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences & Dr. Mumita Tanjeela, Chairperson of the Sociology Department also attended the inauguration program of the exhibition. Dr. Frashuddin delivered the speech highlighting the significance of the liberation war and the role of Bangabandhu in the independence of Bangladesh. They became delighted and appreciated the exhibition and conveyed their gratitude to the club moderators Sifat E Sultana and Rasel Hussain, Executive members, and all the general members of the club. EWU faculty members along with students, staff got the opportunity to enlighten and introduced them to different aspects of the liberation war of Bangladesh. The exhibition started at 10.00 am and opened for the viewers till 5.00 pm