Award Winner of RUSC Science Fest
29 Dec, 2022

During the semester break of Summer 2022, East West University Science Club(EWUScC) was invited for
the “6th RUSC National Science FIESTA” by Rajshahi University Science club (RUSC). This was a national
level FIESTA where they introduced 8 different segments and 32 universities, 64 colleges along with 50+
Schools participated. EWUScC participated in 4 different Segments and were able to secure 3 trophies.
Ten participants from EWUScC attended the two-day event and took part in the Science Olympiad,
Scientific Story Writing, 3MT Thesis Paper Presentation and Wall Magazine. Among them, Ismot Ara Emu
stood Second Runner up in the Scientific Story Writing segment, Sal Sabila First Runner up in the 3MT
Thesis Paper Presentation, and Anindya Chowdhury & Samia Binte Bashar Second Runner up in the Wall
Magazine category (Team East-West).
The highlights of the FIESTA included in the competition, more than 2000 students from more than 200
educational institutions across the country participated in 11 events. Out of these, 78 people were
awarded in 11 events including the presence of Chief guest at the event, Dr. Mala Khan (Director
General, Bangladesh Reference for Chemical Measurements) and Special guests Jalal Uddin Sarkar
(Dean, Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Science) Saikat Sarkar (Deputy Display Officer National Science
and Technology Museum) , the founding advisor of the club, Prof. Dr. Tariqul Hasan (Department of
As a community, we encourage students to take part in these activities because they will not only
develop their self-confidence but also their capacity for creativity, which gives the institution a
wonderful opportunity to be proud.