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About/Centers/IQAC News


Sep 18, 2023

Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has organized a participatory meeting on “Implementation of Uniform Grading System recommended by UGC” on 16 September 2023.  The meeting was divided into two sessions. The first session was held at 10.00 a.m. in Room No.126 (S. M. Nousher Ali Lecture Gallery). The session started with a welcome address by Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. M.M. Shahidul Hassan. Professor Dr. A. K. Enamul Haque, Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics, briefly discussed the “Uniform Grading Policy”. A number of questions were raised by the senior faculty members, and relevant suggestions were provided in the same session. The Vice Chancellor, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Deans of Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE), and Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (FLASS), Chairpersons of all Departments, senior faculty members, Director, and Additional Directors of IQAC were present at the meeting.

The second session started at 11:30 a.m. in Manzur Elahi Auditorium. The meeting began with a welcome address by the Director of IQAC Professor Dr. Basanta Kumar Barmon. Professor Dr. Muhammed Ziaulhaq Mamun, Pro-Vice Chancellor emphasized the importance of a uniform grading policy which East West University will adopt from Fall semester 2023. He also appreciated the efforts made by the IQAC team to organize this type of meeting. Professor Dr. M.M. Shahidul Hassan, Vice Chancellor was also present at the program. Hon’ble Vice Chancellor discussed some positives and negatives of the new grading system. Professor Dr. A. K. Enamul Haque, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics, briefly explained the new grading policy, assessment tools, and evaluation system that will guide the faculty members to adopt the new “Uniform Grading Policy” in their courses.

There was an open Q&A session at the end of the program. A lot of concerns and confusion were resolved in the interactive discussion. A total of two hundred and thirty-one faculty members attended the meeting. The meeting was anchored by Professor Dr. Basanta Kumar Barmon, Director, IQAC. The Director sincerely thanked all the faculty members for participating in the meeting.