EWUCRT Organized a Training on Turnitin
Jul 16, 2021

East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT) organized a training titled ‘Turnitin User Awareness Program’/ ‘How to Use Your Own Turnitin Account?’ for the faculty members of East West University on 8 July 2021 at 7.00 pm on Zoom app. The training was conducted by Ms. Purna Bose, Professional & Educational Services Lead, South Asia Turnitin. The training session was very lively and informative, where faculty members learned a lot about different implementation techniques of this useful software.
The program was chaired by Dr. Rafiqul Huda Chaudhury, Member, Board of Trustees, EWU, and Chairperson, EWUCRT. The Pro-Vice Chancellor of EWU, Dr. Muhammad Ziaulhaq Mamun, along with deans, chairpersons, and distinguished faculty members from different departments of East West University (EWU) attended the training program. Dr. Muhammed Shahriar Haque, Executive Director of EWUCRT, gave concluding remarks on the program.