Professor Wasif Won the Outstanding Championship Award - 2023
01 Nov, 2023

Professor Dr. Ahmed Wasif Reza of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Additional Director of Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), East West University (EWU) and Moderator of East West University Robotics Club(EWURC), received the "Outstanding Championship Award" from the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Optimization (ICO) 2023, held on October 26-27, 2023, in Cambodia, for his outstanding contributions to Research and Publications. Professor Wasif was also invited as a Keynote Speaker. All his papers will be published by Springer Nature (in the book series Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems - LNSS, Switzerland), indexed by SCOPUS. Research papers received in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Clean Energy, BlockChain, Big Data Management, Optimal Control, Smart City, Cloud Computing, Digital Era, Automation Systems, Cyber Security, and Climate Change, etc. from more than 40 countries.