Welcome to Investment & Finance Club
East West University Investment and Finance Club is the club with a mission to improve efficiency of the students of East West University by creating opportunities which enhance their skills academically, professionally and socially. It has started it’s journey on 1st August 2016. This club works specially for the finance and accounting students with a tagline “Shape your Digits”. The students can improve their financial knowledge with a supervision of excellent trainers and exemplary moderator. EWUIFC is always accessible to make students conversant, ingenious etc. EWUIFC grooms students through corporate, investment and financial office visit, workshops, seminar and many more practical ways, the symbolic programs of EWUIFC is corporate visit. It has arranged corporate visit in Lanka Bangla Securities Limited, BLI Capital Limited and Prime Bank Investment Ltd. Besides the momentous competitions are Finology, Financial Writing Competition and Fintegic etc.
Besides all those EWUIFC arranges caravans for its members and different training sessions for skills development.