Event Details

13 Jun, 2022
13 Jun, 2022


East West University
A/2, Jahurul Islam Avenue Jahurul Islam City, Aftabnagar Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
+880 2 55046678
+880 9666775577
+880 1755587224

Event Description

IEEE EWU Student Branch organized a program titled "Your Next Move - Explore Your Custom IT Career" on 13th June 2022. The event was an offline event held at East West University at exactly 5.15 PM. The chairperson of the department of EEE- Dr. Mohammad Ryyan Khan, the IEEE EWUSB branch counselor, Md. Rafiul Abdussami and the former branch counselor of IEEE EWUSB-Nusrat Jahan Ananna were present at this event. The keynote speakers were Sharif Ahsan (Country Program Manager, New Horizons Bangladesh), and Tapan Kanti Sarkar(President, CTO Forum Bangladesh). Sohel Akter (Department Head Graphics, CAD & 3D Motion New Horizons Bangladesh).
First, the host invited Nusrat Jahan Ananna to give an introductory speech about what we going to learn from this event. She talked about what could be the next step after graduation. After that, the host invited Dr. Mohammad Ryyan Khan to say a word to the audience. He told how we will find the resources for the graduation. After the introductory speech, the keynote speaker, Sharif Ahsan start the presentation. He made fun with the audience and gave the idea of what an interviewer expects from a fresher. He talked about the importance of academic results and soft skills. Then Sohel Akter talked about the problems that newcomers face in CAD or 3D designing. The next speaker was Tapan Kanti Sarkar who told about how we exposed our skills in fast presentations or interviews. He told about some of the programs they provide to improve the soft skills of the fresher. After that, a video clip was presented to the audience. Finally, the event ended by giving crests to the honorable guests. The event ended at precisely 6.30 PM.