Welcome to EWU IEEE Student Branch

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the world's largest professional organization dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. It was formed on 1st January 1963 from the merging of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) and the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE).

Currently, it has more than 426,000 members and more than 2600 student branches. IEEE has 45 societies and technical councils. It offers a platform for not only the graduates but also for the students by providing many incentives. Such as- scholarships, section funding, awards, student travel grants, fellowships, etc. IEEE helps the students to communicate with the professionals by joining several societies and seminars.

IEEE Job Site is such a society that helps to create resumes and apply for jobs. IEEE provides volunteering and networking opportunities for the members. IEEE organizes various competitions such as IEEEXtreme, IEEEMADC, etc. An active member can have access to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library which has over 1.2 million papers on various topics along with more than 2000 global conferences and 300 pre-reviewed journals.

It also offers over 500 online courses and eventually helps with the research paperwork. IEEE also provides other benefits such as IEEE.TV, IEEE Collabratec, etc. It also offers a unique IEEE email address which is an advertisement-free mail forwarding email (Gmail) with 30 gigabytes of shared storage (Gmail and Google Drive) and is 99.9 percent uptime guaranteed by Google.

IEEE EWU Student Branch Chapter opened IEEE EWU Computer Society Student Branch Chapter on 15th May 2018. The mission of IEEE EWU Computer Society is to develop and minimize the failings in soft skills, and also to advance the application of Computer Science and ICT.

Its mission is also to motivate the engineering students of ECE, EEE, and CSE departments to actively participate in upcoming events of IEEE EWU SB and many big events. It also wants to arrange workshops, seminars targeting the failings of the engineering students.

East West University is one of the leading private universities in Bangladesh. The university was established in 1996. EWU is a non-profit, non-political, charitable organization. More than 10000 students are now enrolled in EWU.

For this vast number of students, there are several clubs in East west university. IEEE EWU SB is one of those clubs of East West University. IEEE EWU SB has always been one of those clubs of EWU which helps the students, specially the engineering students in not only the technological side but also in non-technical sides by arranging several seminars, workshops, events etc.

In this competitive world, having only theoretical knowledge doesn't help in the long run. To keep one ahead of the others, and to be introduced with the outer world, having extra-curricular activities is a must. IEEE EWU SB gives this opportunity of engaging students with an international organization like IEEE.

The university authority also plays a big role in helping IEEE EWU SB by providing good funding and helps the Student Branch to get the necessary equipment through Career Counseling Center (CCC).