IEEE Day 2021
Event Details
- Start
- 05 Oct, 2021
- End
- 05 Oct, 2021
- Venue
- Address
- A/2, Jahurul Islam Avenue Jahurul Islam City, Aftabnagar Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
- Phone
- +880 2 55046678
+880 9666775577
+880 1755587224 -
Event Description

IEEE Student Branches provide IEEE Student members a networking opportunity to meet and learn from fellow students, as well as faculty members and professionals in the field to share their interests, future professions and ideas. IEEE Day is celebrating the first time in history when engineers worldwide and IEEE members gathered to share their technical ideas in 1884. Every year IEEE day is celebrated cheerfully. Like other years, IEEE EWU Student branch celebrated IEEE day in a festive way too. This year, IEEE EWU SB has completed the IEEE Day 2021 celebration. To celebrate the occasion, IEEE EWU SB organized a two week-long program which started on 5th October, 2021 and ended on 17th October, 2021, where 3 Webinars, 2 Workshops and 5 Competitions took place online. The Webinars, workshops and competitions were meant to happen face-to-face, but due to the pandemic, it wasn’t possible to do so. In order to get prepared for the event, IEEE EWU SB started their preparation a month before the due time. The publicity of the event took place online through the Facebook page of the student branch. The branch tried to reach the other universities through the volunteers of the branch. Around 500 students participated. The participation for the event was not only bound for the students from EWU, rather many other universities students were also present in all the workshops and webinars. Many foreign students and faculties along with the alumni of EWU and the representatives of other IEEE Student Branches were also present in all the workshops and webinars. In the competitions, only EWU students participated.
Inauguration Ceremony
IEEE EWU SB arranged the Inauguration Ceremony of IEEE Day 2021 on 5th October 2021 (8:00 PM UTC+06). Branch counselor of IEEE EWU SB ‘Nusrat Jahan Ananna’- lecturer, Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE) at EWU was present. She welcomed everyone in her speeches. The Special Guest of the ceremony was Dr. Celia Shahnaz, Chair Elect for IEEE WIE Committee 2022, Chair of IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) Women in Signal Processing Committee, Chair of IEEE WIE History Committee and Former Chair of IEEE Bangladesh Section, started off with the most important aspect that opens many doors, informs about the skill to connect to your community and professional personalities for a better career opportunity, allows to gain experience on national and international levels, which is, volunteering. This Inauguration ceremony was live on IEEE EWU SB facebook page.
Workshop on “Introduction to Simulink for Power Electronics and Control System Applications”
IEEE EWU SB arranged a 2days long workshop on “Introduction to Simulink for Power Electronics and Control System Applications” on 6th and 8th October 2021 (8:00 PM UTC+06). This workshop was conducted by Md. Amimul Ihsan Zami, COO in Insight Labs, Adjunct Faculty member of Sonargaon University. There were more than 40 participants who joined this webinar.
The feedback of participants was constructive and this workshop provided to the participants for asking any problems regarding the workshop topic to the conductor.
Workshop on “Applied MATLAB Workshop- Numerical Modeling of Solar Panel array”
IEEE EWU SB arranged another 2days long workshop on “Numerical Modeling of Solar Panel array” on 9th and 13th October 2021 (8:00 PM UTC+06). This workshop was conducted by Dr. M. Ryyan Khan, Associate Professor, Department of EEE, EWU. There were more than 60 participants who joined this webinar.
The feedback of participants was constructive and this workshop provided to the participants for asking any problems regarding the workshop topic to the conductor.
Webinar on “Career talk on Government Power Sector Job Preparation for EEE Students”
On 15th October 2021(8:00 PM UTC+06), IEEE EWU Student Branch organized a webinar titled as “Career talk on Government Power Sector Job Preparation for EEE Students”, which was conducted by Taufiqul Alam, Sub-Divisional Engineer, National Load Dispatch Center, Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd. He was talking about “How to get prepared for govt. jobs in the power sector, how to apply for a job in various companies etc”. After his session students were very interested to know more about this. In this webinar, total participants were 30-40.
Webinar on “The Women Leading the IEEE”
On the occasion of World IEEE Day, IEEE East West University Student Branch organized another webinar on “The Women Leading the IEEE” on 17th October 2021 at 5PM. In this webinar, Chief Guest was Dr. Celia Shahnaz, Chair of IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) Women in Signal Processing Committee, Chair Elect for IEEE WIE Committee 2022, Chair of IEEE WIE History Committee and Former Chair of IEEE Bangladesh Section and Keynote speaker was Dr. Bushra Naeem, Vice Chair of IEEE Quetta Subsection, Former Chair of IEEE Women in Engineering Karachi Section and Coordinator of United Nations Academic Impact SDG8. Branch counselor of IEEE EWU SB ‘Nusrat Jahan Ananna’- lecturer, Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE) at EWU was also present in this webinar.
This WIE Talk webinar provided the case for building and institutionalizing university partnerships with governments and communities to achieve the SDGs. The speaker discusses “Engaging universities for achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs)”.
After her valuable speech there was a Q&A session. This session lasted almost 1 hour 20 minutes.
5 types of contests were organized by IEEE EWU SB. Like, Idea Pitching Competition, Technical Photography, Programming Competitions, WIE Logo Competition and Quiz Competitions.
Idea Pitching Competition was held on 14th October 2021 at 8 PM. There were 3 judges, Nusrat Jahan Ananna, Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, EWU, Md Rafiul Abdussami, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, EWU and Dr. Mohammad Salah Uddin, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE, EWU.
For the Technical Photography Competition, Last Date of submission of images was 15th October 2021 till 11.59 PM.
Programming Competitions was held on 12th October 2021 at 7PM – 10PM. It was divided into junior and senior groups.
For WIE Logo Competition, Last Date of submission was 15th October 2021 till 11.59 PM.
Lastly, the Quiz Competition was held on 17th October 2021.
Closing Ceremony
The prize giving ceremony was held on 17th October 2021 at 8 PM.
Chairperson of IEEE EWU SB gave a brief knowledge about his observations throughout the IEEE DAY-2021 celebration. He started with appreciating all senior executives, junior executives, other committee members and volunteers for organizing some series of events including workshops, webinars, competitions, and conveying all events to audiences entirely. He talked about IEEE EWU SB being active and vibrant since the start of the pandemic. He thanked Pro. Celia Shahanaz, Pro. Shaikh Anwar Fattah, Pro. Dr. Moshiul Hoque, they are active leaders of IEEE Bangladesh Section.
After that he announced the name of the winners of the competition.
The champions of the Engineering Idea Pitching were Hassan Imam Shihab and Abdur Rahman Tumzied. 1st Runner up was Saad Mahbub Chowdhury. The Technical Photography winner was Md. Hasibul Hossain Konok for his outstanding images. Programming Competitions winners-Junior Champion was Kasif Hasnaen Zisan. 1st and 2nd Runner up from the junior group were Md. Ashiqur Rahman and Sofia Noor Rafa. Champion from the senior group was Md. Amir Hozaifa Bin Zaher and 1st runner up was Nazmus Sakib. Winners of the WIE Logo Competition were Ashraf Akhand Ratul for his amazing meaningful logo designing. This logo will be our IEEE EWU SB Affinity Group which will be created soon. Winner of the Quiz Competition was Md. Mania Ahmed joy.
Lastly, the culture session was the video recording of amazing dance performances of Fabliha Chowdhury and Anim.