New Panel of EWUECC for fiscal year 2024-25 is announced.
19 Feb, 2024

After successfully completing the tenure of 2023–24, Club President Mr. Md. Solaiman Khan Shafi (2023–24), along with two club moderators, Ms. Sadia Afreen & Ms. Monisha Biswas, announced the new executive panel for the fiscal year 2024–25. For 2024–25, the club nominated Mr. Bipul Raihan as the President, Ms. Anika Mehjabin Jemi and Ms. Nusaibah Shaoli as Vice President-External and Vice President-Internal, Ms. Jannatul Ferdous Joti as General Secretary, Ms. Jannatul Ferdous and Ms. Aniqa Israt as Treasurer and Joint Treasurer, Ms. Rai Biswas as the Head of Operations, Mr. Akib Amin as Head of Logistics, Mr. Afsah Rakin Chowdhury as the Head of Photography, Ms. Fatema Tuz Juhra as Head of Visual Communications, Ms. Sunahra Oishee as Public Relations Officer, and Lastly, Ms. Oritra Tasnim as Head of Media Co-ordination.