A huge round of applause for everyone for making "PROTEUS 1.0 - Gateway to Electronics Design" workshop is a resounding success. 👏
🙏 The club expresses its sincere appreciation to,
🎓 MD. Abu Shayem (Adjunct Faculty, Manarat International University),
for his valuable time and sharing his experience and knowledge with us. 👏
🙌 KUDOS, to the remarkable 90 students from different departments who attended the workshop and displayed their passion for learning and exploring electronics.🔥
🎉 Let's not forget to mention the champions of the event: 
Amio Rahman Khan wins the Circuit Building Competition!!
Md Ehsanul Hoque and Shiam Razin Khan won the Quiz Competition!!
The clubs appreciate your effort.🏆
🌟 Beyond mastering PROTEUS, this workshop was aimed to be a profound journey of sparking creativity and nurturing an passion for electronics. 
♥️ Once again, heartfelt thanks to everyone for your unwavering interest for learning. And that's what motivates us to come up with such igniting events. ✨
▶️The drive link of the session is attached here for your further use: https://drive.google.com/.../1tv6rU.../view...
🖇️ Stay tuned with EWUEC on this journey towrds excellence!!
Visit our official website: https://clubs.ewubd.edu/ewuec

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