09 Dec, 2022

let's have a look at the summary of this year's ICPC preliminary contest. A total of 1700+ teams from all over the country participated in this online contest. Where 24 teams from our university participated as well, which is the most in recent years.
Our senior team, EWU_Exponential_Decay, solved 5 problems and took first place among the teams of our university. Surprisingly, our second team, EWU_Three_Dimension, members are from
the 3rd semester and they solved 3 problems, which is a great start to their journey.
Few points we would like to mention from this contest. First of all our first team got the position of 80th among 1700+ teams. Secondly, our second team is from the first year. Then we got a huge response from our programmers. 24 teams are 70 participants from our university participated in this contest. Besides, most of the teams tried to solve till the last minute of the contest, which was really great.
Thanks to all the participants for attending this contest. I hope, they will bring us good results with some support from EWUCoPC. Also, grateful to the volunteers for their hard work and co-operation.